SanStone Health and Rehabilitation, Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation, Dr. Larry Joe Russell, Family Medical Center, 510 Balsam Rd. Hendersonville Nc. ,and NCDHHS.
I have been writing about fighting. Not the kind of fighting that happens in schools, bars, and family reunions . I'm talking about fighting big money corporations, people who don't fight fair. These people have enough money to buy whatever and whoever they want. They are not used to losing, they are not even used to being questioned. They feel that they have enough " influence " to be above the law. It will not be easy to overcome their influence.
How do we fight them ? First of all they need to know that we are not afraid of them. They need to know that people wont just let things go. There is strength in numbers, groups of victims families need to unite.
The NCDHHS needs to be made to thoroughly investigate complaints. This is where it gets really complicated. The mother of all runarounds, every agency, defers judgment to the NCDHHS. I have reports that state that the NCDHHS didn't find anything wrong, nothing could be wrong. The NCDHHS was in Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation, the week Mom died. They had to see the same things that we saw. They are either corrupt, or they are so used to seeing violations, they look right over them.
The NCDHHS will tell you they are the last word, they are not. The Office of the Inspector General, is the law enforcement agency that oversees them, the FBI is also another avenue. What you need to understand is that it is hard to get anyone to pay attention. The thing we have heard over and over, is, "old people die ". The reason the doctor gave in defense of his cause of death, was simply old age! My Grandmother lived to be ninety six, Mom died at seventy six. What is considered old to some is young to others. How old do you have to be to die from age alone? Where do they get that formula from?
Trust me if we keep fighting, we will eventually see things starting to change. Maybe, just by filing a complaint and causing an investigation, you will save someone's life. Maybe someone's grandchildren will have their grandmother at home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. If anyone that had a reason to complain did, the NCDHHS would have to do something.
You cant just leave it at " its God's will", or I might lose my job. The O.I.G. has a whistleblower protection act, that would protect the jobs of employees willing to talk. It is even possible to receive a portion of any money recovered from reported fraud. As for God, it's not up to us to decide what is and isn't his will. It is up to us to look out for those who cant look out for themselves.
If nobody stands up against these people, we will all eventually end up at their mercy. If concern for your parents and grandparents doesn't get you involved, how about self preservation.
If you don't think things are bad, just go visit someone in one of these places. The smell of urine and feces alone is alarming. My house doesn't smell like that and I hope yours doesn't. The smell is the result of unsanitary conditions, caused mostly by a shortage of staff. If you go at night, you will most likely hear people moaning, or even screaming, just as we did. The things that happen in Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation, are happening in all these places, in varying degrees.
Below is the link to the NCDHHS site that lists violations, if you think I am exaggerating go there and read for yourself.
Here is the link to, there are also inspection results posted here, they are just not very current. Go to the forms help and resources tab, a dropdown menu will give you the choice to find doctors,hospitals and facilities tab, click on find nursing homes ,enter a zip code, and the facilities will appear. Click on one of the homes, and go to the inspections tab. Once there you can click on any inspection listed, or show all inspections. Remember they are probably four to six months behind. It's funny, but some of the facilities like Beystone, have only one out of five stars. That is "well below average ", but there is nothing in the inspections that explains why. They let you see what they want you to see, they are able to hide the really bad stuff.
More to come
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