Sunday, October 27, 2013

Stand Up!!!

Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation, SanStone Health and Rehabilitation, Dr. Larry Joe Russell, Mike Deloach, Christopher Sprenger, and NCDHHS.
I spend a lot of time reading about nursing homes. I read the reviews on, and the NCDHHS website. It seems that the information should be similar. One would think that the agency that inspect these places, and the agency that rates them, would have the same information. If the inspection results so important in choosing a home, are not readily available, how can a person make good decisions.
When you find yourself having to make this kind of decision, you are usually at the mercy of time. You do not have the luxury of searching multiple websites, for the truth.
My purpose is to attract enough attention to this situation, to make a change. There is nothing I can do to bring back my mother. I intend to honor her by helping others. That's what Mom was so good at, no matter what was going on Mom was always there to help. My father had some pretty sketchy friends, he would sometimes offer them to stay at their house. Mom was not always pleased to find out, and most of the time she didn't know until they were standing on the doorstep. She never turned any one away. Mom was love in every sense of the word.
I find myself in situations sometimes where, I feel as though it is up to me to represent Mom. My entire life has changed. I feel that her passing has made me a better person. I am still convinced, that Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation, and Dr. Larry Joe Russell are responsible for her death. I have seen so many death certificates signed by Dr. Russell that I cant believe so many people fail to thrive, in a nursing home.
There are laws that protect the nursing homes from any form of retribution. The NCDHHS is the main agency charged with regulating them, they are not doing their jobs. Simple changes in some laws would fix the problem. At least till the money people figure out how to get around them.
I am shocked at the lack of value placed on the lives of the elderly. At what age does a person become irrelevant. Who makes that decision, the hospitals, nursing homes, or God forbid, the government.
I have been in contact with my congressman, and met with a representative from his office. I have asked for a meeting with the Congressman, and have been ignored for seven months. I have asked to speak to any committee that would deal with healthcare, still no response. I will get noticed eventually, even if I have to catch them at a town hall meeting. I would love to see them talk around the issues I would discuss.
People need to stand up to the government before it is too late. I am standing up now, and will continue till I can no longer stand. It is the people of this country that makes it great. It is not the president, congress, senators, or any branch of government. We need the people to stand up and be great again. Get involved in something you are passionate about, and together we can take our country back.

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