SanStone Health and Rehabilitation, Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation, Dr. Larry Joe Russell, Family Medical Center, 510 Balsam Rd. Hendersonville Nc. ,and NCDHHS.
The title of my last post was "would you fight", I ask you again, would you?
America has lost it's will to fight.
I come into contact with people on a regular basis, who have horror stories about what happened to their parents in nursing homes. I have spoken to employees that have first hand experience with the abuse and corruption. I have spoken directly to people with family members in abuse situations. They respond to ads on craigslist, family and caregivers alike. They tell me stories, specific proof of broken laws, and violations of regulations. They will talk to me on the phone, and in person. They talk to me at work, at the ball field and at church.
The one thing they all have in common, is they wont fight.
The church people seem to believe that "it's Gods will". I have never read anywhere in the Bible that says it's Gods will, for an elderly person to be left lying in their own urine, till there skin breaks down. Or for someone to be starved to death. It doesn't say anywhere that it is acceptable for someone to rape an elderly patient. I will not deny that these things happen, but are they really "Gods will"? They wont fight.
The people on craigslist are so eager to tell their stories to you, even meet with you in person. They talk about things that have happened, or are still happening to their parents, or patients. Ask them to speak to someone in regards to helping make a difference. They don't want to get involved. They wont fight.
I have spoken to more than one person, who has gone so far as to file a complaint, Time goes by, the complaint comes back marked with the usual , " No deficiencies found", letter. They may get angry and try to go a little further, but eventually they get tired of the runaround. They wont fight.
I have spoken to people working in the business that know more than I care to. I have asked them to get involved. They are afraid of losing their jobs. They wont fight
The people at the ballgame, share their stories on the bleachers. Then they find out that I am actively trying to stop the abuse. From then on, they avoid sitting near me on the bleachers. They wont fight.
As I am sitting here writing, the news is all about the government shutdown. Some are blaming the President, some are blaming Congress. Is anyone blaming themselves ?
When I was a child this kind of nonsense would not be happening, that generation, would fight. They fought against wars, civil rights violations, the right to vote, the same pay for the same job, abortions, the draft. People who were willing to fight are the reasons for the changes.
For some reason, I cant seem to get people to help fight the big companies abusing our seniors. No one seems to care about what is happening to these helpless people. The government agencies, charged with protecting them pass the buck back and forth. The church people are sticking to the " it's Gods will" response. All the rest don't want to get involved.
These people are getting rich, stealing from Medicare ,Medicaid private insurance, and the general public. We are all paying the price each and every day, in increased taxes, underfunded social security,and even untimely death.
When your loved one is in a nursing home, and being abused and neglected, will you fight then? If you wait till then, it's too late. Fight now!
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