Monday, September 17, 2012

This time last year, Mom was in Memorial Mission Hospital, and they were discussing sending her to Care Partners, in Asheville.She was eating, but not enough, so they had to insert a feeding tube. She was starting to recover, and could hold a conversation for short periods. According to someone she had walked down the hall, with assistance.
 My brother questioned the decision to move her but one of the doctors at mission, said if they waited too long, she may be to strong for them to accept her at Care Partners. A nurse quietly told my brother that Mom could appeal the decision. She left and came back with tears in her eyes and said she had put a stop to the move, for now. The next day was a Sunday, and they came in and said they were going to move her that day. My brother and oldest sister were there at the time. When they asked Mom if she was ready to move to Care Partners, she commented" If you say I am". My brother argued with them and told them that she would agree to almost anything at this point in her recovery. They sent her any way. She was transported by ambulance to Care Partners in Asheville.
Upon her arrival, she was put in her room, and within a day had a feeding tube back and a catheter. Hardly seems that she was ready to be released from the hospital, does it.
Slowly she recovered enough to begin therapy, and the feeding tube was removed. One of us would be at the facility around dinner time, and usually, her food would be sitting on her tray next to her bed. It was cold most of the time and we would try to get her to eat , but usually one of us would bring her something hot to eat. Care Partners answer was to keep pumping the ensure into her.They were nice enough to show us where the microwave was.  It was so bad that they were supposed to be logging anything she ate, and also monitoring her waste output.
At this point, we began to realize that she was going to recover, just a lot slower than they had told us. All of Moms children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, were regular visitors at Care Partners. My brother and oldest sister would spend the night in the chair. She improved slowly but she was improving. There was light at the end of the tunnel.
More to come on her stay there.

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