Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Are animals worth more than humans to the NCDHHS ? Aldona Wos, wont even speak to the issue of elder care!

I have repeatedly implied that annimals are more protected than the elderly in nursing homes. This morning I looked up cruelty to annimal ststutes in NC.
14-360 Cruelty to animals; construction of section. (a) If any person shall intentionally overdrive, overload, wound, injure, torment, kill, or deprive of necessary sustenance, or cause or procure to be overdriven, overloaded, wounded, injured, tormented, killed, or deprived of necessary sustenance, any animal, every such offender shall for every such offense be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

(b) If any person shall maliciously torture, mutilate, maim, cruelly beat, disfigure, poison, or kill, or cause or procure to be tortured, mutilated, maimed, cruelly beaten, disfigured, poisoned, or killed, any animal, every such offender shall for every such offense be guilty of a Class I felony. However, nothing in this section shall be construed to increase the penalty for cockfighting provided for in G.S. 14-362.

(c) As used in this section, the words "torture", "torment", and "cruelly" include or refer to any act, omission, or neglect causing or permitting unjustifiable pain, suffering, or death. As used in this section, the word "intentionally" refers to an act committed knowingly and without justifiable excuse, while the word "maliciously" means an act committed intentionally and with malice or bad motive. As used in this section, the term "animal" includes every living vertebrate in the classes Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves, and Mammalia except human beings.   

Thats right it specifically excludes human beings. Does this not seem a little strange, that they would exclude "people" from the laws that protect something like chickens, frogs and lizzards?
Trust me we would be better protected as human beings under this law than any "regulations" enforced by the NCDHHS. The animal control laws provide for serious penalties such as felony convictions . The NCDHHS will simply take away a star if they even do that.
I have read many pages of defficiencies in nursing homes that would fall under the felony provisions of the annimal cruelty law. I would consider it cruel to put a meal in front of someone who cant see their tray to eat, or to leave them sitting in their own waste. What about personal hygene, feloney or misdemeanor.
I have seen incidences of elderley being beaten, dropped, verbally abused , sexually abused, just about anything you could imagine including death at the hands of the providers. Yet these places are not even fined, they simply have to write a ststement saying that they neither acknowledge or admit to the allegations, but they are now in compliance. How would that work for a pet store , WLOS Channel 13 would be all over them and they would be shut down by the sheriffs office. The difference is the pet shop doesn't have the political influence or the money to escape justice.
When I get old I'm asking my family to put me in the annimal shelter where I can feel protected. The NCDHHS system that supervises the care or lack of care for the elderley cries for reform. Contact your Senators and Congressmen and tell them to give that money back to the PAC's and do their job! I can vouch for the integrity of one Congressman and could not continue my battle without his support.                                                                            

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