Saturday, February 14, 2015

SanStone Health and Rehabilitation , True lack of passion revealed!!

I keep seeing those damn commercials " SanStone It's our passion that makes the difference". Well today I decided to do some research on SanStones supposed passion. I went to, the site that rates nursing homes. Each home is evaluated and given a star rating, the ratings don't seem to reflect the NCDHSR inspections, so that part is still a mystery. The star rating is, one for the lowest, and five for the highest. Anyway here is a list of SanStone properties and their star ratings as of today.

Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation   3 stars : One inspection in 2014 with five deficiencies .

BeyStone Health and Rehabilitation   3 stars  : One inspection with no deficiencies found ?

StoneCreek Health and Rehabilitation  5 stars  : One inspection with three deficiencies.

Anson Health and Rehabilitation  2  stars  : One inspection with three deficiencies .

Madison Health and Rehabilitation  3 stars  : One inspection with four deficiencies .

Oak Forest Health and Rehabilitation  3 stars : One inspection with four deficiencies .

Sanford Health and Rehabilitation  3 stars  : One inspection with four deficiencies .

South Village Health and Rehabilitation  1 star  : One inspection with no deficiencies . Three complaint investigations with three deficiencies resulting in resident death!

Now here is a list of deficiencies at SanStone properties. Take notice of the violations concerning administration and storage of  drugs.

1. Failure to : Conduct initial and periodic assessments of each residents functional capacity.
2. Make sure services provided by the nursing facility meet professional standards of quality.
3. Provide necessary care and services to maintain the highest well being of each resident.(3)
4. Make sure that all resident's drug regimen is free of unnecessary drugs.
5. each residents entire drug regimen is managed and monitored to achieve highest well being.
6. Make sure all residents are safe from serious medication errors.
7. Give each resident a notice of rights, rules, services, and charges.
8. Maintain drug records and properly label drugs according to accepted professional standards.(2)
9. Keep accurate, complete, organized clinical records on each resident that meet professional standards.
10. Store, cook and serve food in a clean way. (3)
11. Immediately tell the resident, doctor, and a family member of any situation affecting resident.(3)
12. Provide housekeeping and maintenance services.
13. Allow the resident the right to participate in the planning or revision of the residents care plan. (2)
14. Try to resolve each residents complaints quickly.
15. Reasonably accommodate the needs and preferences of each resident.
16. Keep medication errors to less than 5%.
17. Give resident proper treatment to prevent new pressure sores or heal existing pressure sores. (2)
18. Safely provide drugs and other similar products available, which are needed every day and in emergencies by a licenced pharmacist.
19. Assist those residents who need total help with eating, drinking, grooming, and personal and oral hygiene.
In one of the cases at South Village , the resident actually died.

Is that what sets SanStone apart from other homes? " Passion, that's what makes the difference." Maybe if the spent their money on staffing their properties instead of advertising and sponsoring events, they could actually provide adequate care.

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting to note that the list of owners of Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation are almost identical to the list of owners of the Sprenger Healthcare facility in Indiana.!
