After twenty one days at Care Partners, they decided that Mom was ready to go home. She was still not eating well and was barely able to walk. Again, if someone in the family had medical power of attorney we could have disputed the release.
Care Partners did little to rehabilitate Mom, they simply put her in a room and kept her from falling out of bed. They did not help her eat and the rehab was a joke. The simple truth is Mom was not ready to be released. She was forced out of Mission hospital before she was ready and now Care Partners was doing the same thing. If someone had medical power of attorney we could have
protested her release. They would have had to reevaluate and Medicare would have had to pay for her care during the process. But twenty one days is twenty one days, and Mom wanted to go home.
Care Partners did help with obtaining all the necessary home medical supplies, from their recommended providers. I would not be surprised to learn that the providers were owned by the same people as Care Partners.
Mom was released from Care Partners and sent home. She was still unable to care for herself and the family tried to take over where Care Partners left off. My sister spent the night sleeping in a chair at the foot of Mom's bed, and each of us helped when we were able. Mom was able to stay in her house for a whole week before she was readmitted to Memorial Mission Hospital. Proof that her initial release was premature. This time they kept her for about two weeks and then they sent her to Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation.
Mom was admitted to Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation on October 19, 2011. Her doctor, according to the records was Dr. Larry Joe Russell. I have obtained a copy of Mom's records and there is no indication that Dr. Russell Ever laid eyes on my Mother. There are no notes from Dr. Russell in all of her records. Anything that had to be signed by her doctor has Dr. Russells initials on it, usually three to ten days after it's origional date.
Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation is operated by SanStone Health and Rehabilitation. SanStone Health and Rehabilitation is owned by Christopher Sprenger and Michael Deloach. The Sprenger family owns numerous nursing and rehabilitation facilities, starting in Ohio. Sanstone is spending lots of money advertising, their slogan is " Our passion makes the difference". I would have to agree with that statement, their passion (for making money) is why the care is substandard in their homes. Can you say understaffed? Go into Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation on the weekend, early in the morning, or after seven at night. Try to find a nurse or cna when you need one. It really doesn't matter when you go, there is never enough staff.
According to the North Carolina Division of Health Service Regulation, they are required to post the staffing details in a public place. I was never able to find where they posted it, and when I did it was out of date. I requested a copy of the staffing reports for the dates Mom was in Hendersonville Health and rehabiloitation. They sent me the information, twenty one days of a form that was filled out in the same handwriting every day. I doesnt break down the times or anything, just the total number of hours worked in a day. What they do is put the majority of staff on in the daytime when people are most likely to be visiting.
It is important that anyone reading this understands that this has been going on for three years. My brother and I have spent countless hours going through the medical records. We could also write a book on what we know about the way nursing home ownership works. We have made numerous attempts to get the NCDHSR to hear our case, to no avail. I have gone so far as to send a certified letter to Aldona Vos, the secretary of the NCDHHS. I received a letter from her chief of staff stating that the matter was closed.
Lets just say that there were things in the records that were not accurate, or even incriminating, wouldn't they want to know. Keep in mind, they are responsible for licensing and inspecting these homes. Who am I supposed to go to if there is something the NCDHHS did, that needs to be explained? There is not one governing authority that will allow me to show them the information I have. So much for representation!
Thomas Franke, Chairman of the board of Care Partners is also on the board of Omega Health Care Investors. Omega is a major player in the healthcare business as is Mr.Franke.
There was a time when the governing authorities would take a look at Mr. Franke and all of his business relationships. That was before corporate contributions took over our government. It would take an act of congress to get anyone to question Mr. Franke's financial relationships. The irony is that Congress is basically in the pockets of Mr. Franke and people like him so that will never happen. God help us all!
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