Tuesday, October 21, 2014

"SanStone our passion makes the difference" Really !!!!

October 19, 2011, that was the day they moved mom from Memorial Mission Hospital to Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation. It finally looked as if she was headed down the road to recovery. This time she was strong enough to actually benefit from the rehabilitation and physical therapy sessions.

It was later in the afternoon on that Monday when she arrived at Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation. I remember my sister and I were there when the cna came in to get her personal information. Everyone felt that Mom was going to overcome the effects of the surgery and return home. It was apparent that it would still be a while, but she was expected to make a full recovery!
I will never forget the first night, sitting there and hearing the woman across the hall screaming. I am sure Mom was probably scared to death. Her fear was that she would die in a nursing home. We were all convinced that was not going to happen. I would guess that she did not sleep much that first night due to the screaming and howling across the hall.

The next day Mom got a roommate, she was very nice and a visit to Mom included a visit to her as well. She was in Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation just for iv medication, I would guess her age somewhere in the late 30's to early 40's. She was a blessing, she would always try to help Mom when she was able.

The first week was an educational experience for all of us. After Care Partners and Mission Hospital, someone from the family would be there most of the day. My sister spent the night in a chair for the first couple of days. Someone would stay and help Mom with dinner, and stay till nine or so.  As Mom gained her strength back we started to feel more comfortable leaving her alone at night.
The roommate would fill us in the next day about how the night went. Everything seemed to be going well.

Mom was participating in the therapy and doing great. When I would visit in the afternoon, she would be in therapy. Mom was doing everything she could to get out of there. She was still needing help toileting as she could not see very well. Then one during my morning visit, I was going to help her to the restroom and when she pulled back the covers she was naked from the waist down. I got one of the cna's to assist her and dress her.

 I went to the director of nursing, Susan Habel, and was told that sometimes they have to let them "air dry ". This was when we started to notice certain things were not right. One afternoon, Mom  asked my brother to see if she could get a shower, said she was getting "fragrant ". He spoke to the cna on that hall and she said she had three or four others waiting but she would make sure Mom got a shower. Mom had a voice recorder and one of her recordings stated that it was three o'clock in the morning and she had not had her shower yet.

We complained and a meeting was scheduled with the social director and Susan Habel RN the Director of Nursing. I was not able to attend the meeting, but my sister and brothert did. There was no mention of the problems we had discussed, they just started talking about Moms discharg.
Thats when things got serious, Mom fell on the 29th of October, 2011. Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation called my sister and informed her of the fall and supposedly informed Dr. Larry Joe Russell. According to which one of Dr. Russell's statements you read. One says he saw her as he would any patient who fell while he was on site, the other says he did not see her and that he agreed with the nurses evaluation that she didn't need to be seen. Both these statements are in the NCDHSR investigation of our complaint. I tried to get them to explain how DR. Russell did both see her and not see her in the same day? I was totally blown off by the NCDHSR. Their report is full of lies and falce statements. From their own documents I believe it is obvious that the "investigation" wasn't taken very seriously by the NCDHSR. I'm sure they see this kind of stuff regularly, and just turn their heads. I dont know how Todd Davis, Kim Britt and Paul Yockey of the NCDHSR can sleep at night.

I bet none of them could sleep at Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation. I gurantee you their parents will never end up in Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation either. My Mother died three years ago in Hendersonville Health and rehabilitation. Her greatest fear became a reality. The cause of death had nothing to do with what she had been admitted for. The real cause of death is the low staff levels at Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation.

The company who operates Hendersonville Health and rehabilitation is SanStone Health and Rehabilitation. Their telivision and print ads state " Sanstone, our passion makes the difference ". I guess their passion is to run substandard homes with low staff levels and get rich. My Mom is gone and I am at peace with that.  It's just that people need to open their eyes and see who these people really are. Thats what drives me to continue on my quest for the truth, I welcome any help!

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