Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation, a SanStone property has lost one of their stars on There is nothing on the website to explain, why they lost the star. According to, they haven't had an inspection or complaint since November 2012.
Two out of five stars, "below average" according to the people who inspect them.
That sure is a far cry from what they advertise on WLOS channel 13. In their ads they have people saying how great they are treated. Then some staff member telling how they treat you like family, and how much they care.
Two out of five stars, is that what you would want for your family? I have read many stories about the terrible things that happen at Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation, and all the SanStone properties. All I can say is I'm glad I'm not a member of that family.
If you need a place for an elderly family member, do some research. Look on, whatever star rating they have is more than they should have. The government agencies really don't care much about how our elderly are treated.
If the people who handle animal abuse cases were in charge of regulating nursing homes, people would be going to jail. If you don't feed your dog, horse or cat, you get in trouble. If you have too many animal's in one place you get in trouble. If you chain a dog to a tree you get in trouble.
Now lets look at nursing homes. I have read, and seen in person, where the elderly are not being fed, they are being crowded into small spaces, and they are being physically and pharmaceutically restrained to their beds and wheel chairs.
If there is a complaint against a nursing home, here is what happens. The NCDHHS sends out a team to investigate the allegations. When the team arrives at the facility, it is acceptable for them to announce over the intercom, that they are there. I have reason to suspect that they are actually informed that the inspectors are coming in advance. Then they "randomly" survey certain residents ( probably the same ones from the commercials). Then they find nothing to substantiate the complaint, and business goes on as usual.
If I call and report my neighbor for animal abuse, they will send law enforcement to the house. They don't call and warn my neighbor that they are coming. Then if they find a skinny dog, tied to a tree, with skin sores, someone is going to jail. Not only that, but they are going to be on the news for two or three days for all the terrible things they did to that poor dog.
Somehow this seems a little twisted to me. What if WLOS and the Henderson County Sheriffs office showed up when someone complained about the way their mom was being treated at Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation or any SanStone facility. I would guess that the treatment would improve considerably! It would only be for a short period of time though. These people have plenty of money to buy a sheriff , or a local tv station. They already own plenty of politicians and government officials, like the NCDHHS.
Here is the link to, see for yourself what we are all paying for!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation, Mom's last days

Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation, Christopher Sprenger, Michael Deloach and Dr. Larry Joe Russell, Lara Mooney, Susan Habel, Gail Maloney and Maude "Cookie" Romeo. This would be my letter to all of you.
To Whom It May Concern,
My name is Chris, My Mother Patricia was trusted to your care for a couple of weeks in October  and
November 2011. (wow 2011, it doesn't seem that it has been that long ago). She died in your care on November 3,2011 around 5:10 am. She was supposed to come home that day.
I cant tell you how much I loved my Mom. She was the one person in the world that never found any fault in me. Believe me there was plenty of it in me, but not in Moms eyes. I only wish I had the same capacity to see past peoples faults, that she had to see past mine.
 Mom loved her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Mom knew what it was like to be in the middle of a situation where one of her kids did not see past the faults of one of the other. But Mom never saw any of those faults. She was wise in many ways, and all of her children called her at least once a week for advice.We are all lost, and faced with the reality that we have to use our own judgement, and without her input, that's scary!
The reality is that Mom and Pop are both gone. I like to think, they instilled in me the desire to do right. I know they tried, but I was still a work in progress. I hope to do my parents proud with the way I raise my children.
I miss the connection I had with my sisters, Mom made sure that we always made time to be a family. Even if you were feuding with someone in the family, you didn't feud at Moms house. Sooner or later you would forget the feud, because Mom wouldn't stick up for either one.
I don't know exactly what happened that morning at Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation, but I think I know more than Dr. Larry Joe Russell. I know that if Mom never had never been in your facility  things would be different now. Mom spent the last night of her life in your care.The research I've done shows that Mom was not the only one to spend her last day in your home. There are an alarming number of people who don't survive your care.
I sure do love my Mom! I will survive without her, but I miss her and will think of her every day. I wish peace to all the others that lost their loved ones to your "care".


Monday, March 4, 2013

SanStone , or Sprenger Inc.

Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation used to belong to Margret  Pardee Hospital, in Hendersonville NC. I have read several articles on, the online edition of the Times News, concerning the sale. From what I have read, the hospital was losing money operating the facility. The place sold for 8.45 million dollars, with the county commissioners deciding to give the money to the hospital.
I don't know much about investing, but I have done enough research to know, there is big money in nursing homes. If not why would the Sprenger family come all the way from Ohio to buy Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation?
 If you read the articles relating to the sale, you might think a group of local physicians were the buyers. Lead by Dr. Larry Joe Russell, who supposedly orchestrated the deal. According to, the majority of owners are members of the Sprenger family. They came all the way from Ohio to buy a facility that was losing money?
From what I can tell the Henderson County Commissioners must be total idiots, or there's more to the story than meets the eye. Maybe a little of both. I guess they didn't have the financial knowledge to know that Nursing and Rehabilitation centers are a huge source of profit.
 Large groups of investors are buying these types of facilities all over the country. Big companies, like G.E., and some state employee retirement plans are investing in them. I guess the Henderson County commissioners didn't do their homework!
Who owns what and who is in who's pocket. I'm betting that the Henderson County commissioners, were not looking out for the needs of the community they serve. I would be willing to bet that they benefitted from this sale on a personal level.
Who is SanStone? Where did the Sprenger family come from? Why is DR. Larry Joe Russell not listed as an owner? I guess we the people, don't have a right to know.