Saturday, October 20, 2012

Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation, and Sanstone. Until October 19, 2011, I never could have told you anything about either one. Now I know enough to write a book, and probably will one day.
It all started one year ago today,
I left work about this time and drove to Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation, for the first time, to visit my Mother. She had been discharged from Mission Hospital in Asheville North Carolina and sent to Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation to regain her strength, and assistance with daily living. Little did I know, the bed she was in that day, would be where she would die.
After Mom died, I went to Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation to find out about Moms last night there. I was told a story, that was inconsistent with the information that I was originally provided. I left there and picked up a copy of the EMS report, thats when the alarm bells really started to go off. The times and events recorded with the EMS did not match the story told by Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation.This is what prompted my brother and I to begin our journey to find out who these people are.
SanStone is, Christopher Sprenger and Michael Deloach, both have local addresses, as well as an office in Biltmore park, and an office that has the same address as the Fed Ex office on airport road.
The Sprenger family is involved in all aspects of healthcare in Ohio, Minnesota, and lots of other places. They do business under lots of different names, even some of their places might have Sprenger in the name, but not many. They really seem to be drawn to the care of the elderly. Thats where they make the most money.
From what I can tell, They attached themselves to a greedy, bottom feeding doctor, named Larry Joe Russell, from Kentucky. Together, they were able to purchase Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation, from Margaret Pardee Hospital, in Hendersonville. It looks to me like the Board of Directors at Pardee, and the Henderson County Commissioners, were just as greedy as Larry Joe. Seems they sold the facility, for over 8 million dollars.
There were other people bidding on the Pardee Care Center, which is now Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation. Pardee decided to sell to these people because of the "local connection" of Larry Joe, and the Sprenger name. The local newspaper stated that the facility was sold to Hendersonville Physicans and associates. Thats another story for another day!
 Pardee says, they were unprofitable due to the restrictions and rules enforced on hospital owned Nursing Homes. In other words, in order to provide adequate care, they had to actually have adequate staff.
SanStone, on the other hand was not bound by the same rules.They were able to reduce the staffing levels, and provide inferior care.
SanStone runs commercials on channel 13, WLOS tv in Asheville. The people in these commercials are telling how wonderful each of SanStone's properties are.Dont be fooled by them, look up any one of their facilities and see how many stars Medicare gives them. Last time I checked they were all around one out of five. Nursing homes are big business, with big profits, and little regulations. If you need one of these facilities, do your research first!!! More to come

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