Friday, July 6, 2012

North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, North Carolina Medical Board, North Carolina Pharmacy Board, and North Carolina Board of Nursing. All of these agencies claim to protect the average citizens of North Carolina by enforcing their respective regulations.
I have found out that when someone governed by one of these agencies does something wrong, there seems to be no regulation against what they did. All of these agencies listed, are responsible for issues that involve life and death matters. You would hope that they would actually respond to complaints with some degree of concern. They do not. I have dealt with all of the agencies listed and the response from all was basically the same.
The response always thanks you for your time and ensures you that whatever your concern is, it was thoroughly investigated and careful consideration was given to all of the issues you complained about. Then it goes on to tell you that whatever you complained about was not regulated or could not be substantiated. In other words they are actually there to make sure the people they "regulate" are not held accountable for their actions.
I will give an example. I filed a complaint with the North  Carolina Board of Nursing against a nurse ( Lara Mooney), concerning an incident that occurred while my Mother was under her "care" at Hendersonville Health and Rehab. I  provided them with a notarized statement by my Mothers roomate at Hendersonville Health and Rehab. The statement gave a detailed account of an event that occurred late at night on Lara Mooney's shift. It was signed and sworn to in front of a licensed North Carolina Notary. The statement directly contradicted Lara Mooneys account of the same incident. Lara Mooneys statement was in the form of nurses notes in Moms records. The two accounts of what happened that night are not even close.
I waited at least six weeks or more for a response from the board of nursing. Yesterday I received an envelope from the board of nursing. It was empty! I called them, and the woman I spoke to was very nice.She apoligized for the empty envelope, then said she would email me the response.
The email stated that Lara Mooney was strongly cautioned in regards to this matter. It was confusing to me. What was she cautioned against? Did she make up the story or not?
In the real world either you did something or not. I guess in the nursing world, you can be strongly cautioned not to do something that you may or may not have done in the past. Dont worry, if you seem a little confused at this point. I have no idea what the North Carolina Board of Nursing is saying either. I know that at the bottom of the page it states " Serving the Public Through Regulatory Excellence"
" Really ? "

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