Saturday, January 2, 2016

Do right and wrong exist in the nursing home industry, is there such a thing as justice ????

All my life I was taught that there was right and there was wrong. What I can tell you now that the difference between the two boils down to how much money you have, and who you buy with that money. I would bet that the NCDHHS can be bought for simple favors and special donations.  Since the morning of November 11, 2012 when my Mother died, I have been fighting the money that did the wrong.
First the wrong in how nursing homes are raking in profits, while neglecting the care of their patients. All you have to do is walk into almost any nursing home in the evening or on weekends and you will notice the lack of staff on duty. The majority of nurses hours are worked in the daytime hours through the week. They know that the majority of visitors and any inspectors from DHHS will come in the day during the week. At night there may be one actual nurse on duty and the rest of the staff are CNA's.

During moms stay in Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation, we had to practically beg to get her a shower. Even when we were promised that she would get a shower on more than one occasion it never happened. According to her records, Mom was supposed to get help with her meals because she couldn't see very well. The only help she ever got with meals was from family members. We made a point to assure that one of us was there for as many meals as we could. If we were not there at mealtime, the food was simply wheeled into the room and sat on the tray. If Mom was able to eat what she was served, there would be food on her clothes and in her bed.

Second, the wrong in the NCDHHS who is supposed to inspect and investigate complaints against nursing homes. These so called inspectors are either very stupid or they are being paid off by the wealthy nursing home owners. I have copies of Mom's records from Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation and copies of the inspection report. The inspection overlooks things like missing medication, a non reported fall, wrong room number on most of the records, fraudulent nurses reports, conflicting statements by Dr. Russell, and a sworn notarized statement by Mom's roommate.

The wrongs just keep on coming. The fact that the NC State Medical Examiners office declined a required autopsy, due to a fraudulent document from Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation. The fact that the NC Board of Nursing ignored the wrongs done by Lara Mooney LPN and Susan Habel, RN when they fraudulently created her nurses note one month after Mom's death. The wrongs in the "MAR", Medication Administration Records showing Ativan then not showing Ativan.

Dr. Russell stating that he saw Mom on the morning of her fall, as he was on premises that morning. Then later stating that he did not see Mom the morning of the fall. Going on to say that in his medical opinion, he agreed with the nurses assessment and that they had made the right decision for no further treatment. Mom was dead two days later, from no apparent cause.

The wrongs just keep adding up, all because of the false records and statements made by Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation . The failure of the NC Pharmacy Board, to look at the disappearing medication and the sloppy records. The wrong in the connections between Dr. Russell and Blue Ridge Pharmacy, DR. Boleman and Pardee Hospital and the fact that Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation was built and owned by Pardee Hospital.

I have repeatedly accused specific people of doing specific things that violate the law and their professional oaths. It is interesting that not one of these people has accused me of making any of this up!
There is plenty more to come, just too much for one sitting. Feel free to read past posts for more insight. Also please comment if you wish, people need to hear your stories as well.


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  3. That's the way it works with the NCDHSR, they are definitely being paid off by someone. No matter what the complaint, they never find any problem. Part of the reason is that the nursing homes are allowed to announce the inspectors arrival. Then the staff runs from room to room correcting the obvious problems. We actually witnessed this at Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation.
    When we met with the Western Regional Director of the NCDHSR, they couldn't even find the violations that we had proof of. After fighting for over four years I am no closer to getting any changes made. They have changed the website so you cant even tell what the inspection results are. Glad you were able to save the life of the person you loved, we were not so lucky.
