Well we finally received the information we have waited two years to get. The information is concerning an investigation done by NCI Advancemed. The investigation involved Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation and Dr. Larry Joe Russell.
Finally a government agency that actually does something, actually a government contractor. Their job is to verify Medicare benefits and maintain integrity in the program.
It seems that the issues that were not substantiated by the NCDHSR, are questioned repeatedly by NCI Advancemed. The issues that we had been raising with the NCDHSR for over three years were almost all addressed in this report. Imagine that,an agency that actually reads the records and questions the answers.
Possibly the single most important issue is the records from the night Mom fell. I have always believed that the " late entry " nurses note was created simply to avoid the State Medical Examiners requiring an autopsy. The one thing that could have proved my suspicions was the facility incident report. This is considered an internal document and was not included in Mom's records. The administrator of Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation , Paul Shogren refused to share them with me when asked.
Imagine my surprise that according to the investigation, the original entry didn't match the nurses late entry. Not only did it not match but according to NCI Advancemed there was more added to the incident report in different hand handwriting! None of the entries were dated or signed. It specifically states that Mom fell while trying to ambulate to the restroom, contradicting the "late entry where the fall was witnessed by Lara Mooney. In Lara Mooney's "late entry" she states that mom was sitting on the side of her bed and slid to the floor before she could get to her.
Is it a coincidence that this "late entry " was created after I asked the NC State Medical Examiners office to consider an autopsy based on the fall, and two days before I received their refusal? Is it also a coincidence that the "late entry" was faxed from Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation to somewhere only two days before that refusal? I think it is obvious that the folks at Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation falsify documents to protect themselves. It is also obvious that the NCDHSR who investigates them is so used to seeing this kind of thing that they just ignore it.
NCI advancemeds' investigation found several deficiencies, and they are not even trained to look at those kind of things, they basically work with numbers. It has always been obvious to me that the NCDHSR was covering for Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation, Now after reading the reports from NCI Advancemed my suspicions are confirmed.
You may ask, is there any real harm done if the NCDHSR looks the other way during their inspections. I would venture to say that the 189 people who died at Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation in 2011 might say yes. Along with the ones who died at Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation but were sent to Pardee to be pronounced. That is what happened to Mom, she had not had a heartbeat or breath for over twenty minutes and was still sent to the ER and billed for their services as well as the ambulance. Looks like fraud to me.
Is it normal for a health and rehabilitation to lose a patient every other day? I cant answer that I only have figures from Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation. I am assuming that most of them had the same doctor, Larry Joe Russell. He and his staff of PA's and FNP's are the ones who see most patients there. I personally wouldn't let Dr. Russell treat me for anything, statistics would prove my chances better with no treatment at all!
I have lots more information to share from the recent FOIA documents, keep watching it gets better.
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