Saturday, August 23, 2014

Aldona Wos, Mark Payne, Todd Davis, Beverly Speroff, what are you afraid of ? Who are you protecting ???

After two weeks, I finally received a response to my letter to Mark Payne the chief of staff of the NCDHHS.
The letter was a request that they review the investigation notes from my complaint against Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation. I had included three pages of notes from Todd Davis, the lead investigator. Parts of those pages were highlighted to show inconsistencies, and there was also a list of questions. I was simply trying to understand how the report could be so wrong about so many things.
In the report Todd Davis states that Dr. Larry Joe Russell had seen Mom the morning after she fell as he would any patient when he came in that morning at 5:30. On page three of the same report, Mr. Davis states that Dr. Russell did not see her after the fall. He goes on to say that the nurses at Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation examined her and decided she did not need further care. In Dr. Russell's professional opinion the nurses did what they were supposed to.
Ok I'm a little bit confused as to how this could have happened. According to Mr. Payne, the Surveyor Notes Worksheets are not Mr. Davis'  summary of the investigation .They are simply notes of what Mr. Davis was told by the individuals that he had interviewed during the investigation. Mr. Payne doesn't seem to care that the facts are inaccurate.
Here is the definition of investigation from the dictionary : the act or process of investigating; a careful search or examination in order to discover facts. I'm pretty sure that the Surveyors Notes Worksheets indicate anything but a careful search in order to discover facts. Either that or they just don't care about the accuracy of their facts.
Did Mr. Davis actually interview Dr. Larry Joe Russell twice about the night of the fall. Did Dr. Russell forget what he said in the first interview, or was he confused about which of his "patients" he was talking about . If he actually kept records he would not contradict himself! My question would be who was more confused, Dr. Russell or Todd Davis. If in fact Dr. Russell was actually interviewed twice and told two different stories, would that not be a red flag for an investigator ? Someone "in search or examination to discover facts".
According to Mark Payne, Chief of Staff at the NCDHHS, no further action is warranted. Not one of the questions in my letter was addressed by Mr. Payne. He simply stated that the information contained in the surveyor worksheets were not Todd Davis' summary. As a high ranking official at the NCDHHS, I would question his concern for public safety. Is The NCDHHS protecting the owners of Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation ? Or do they actually have any authority to enforce violations of their own regulations. Does this have anything to do with the fact that Gerald P. Cox , a member of the NC Medical Commission is connected to the owners of Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation?
Whatever the answer is, they continually refuse to explain the mistakes that they made in an investigation, that eventually involved the death of a resident of Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation and a patient of Dr. Larry Joe Russell. If they did nothing wrong then why not just simply answer the questions I ask? There is no legal action I can take if they tell the truth, I am simply trying to make them see the flaws in their own system. Obviously they are protecting someone for some reason.
Again I do not disagree with anything Mr. Payne said in his letter, except for the fact that my complaint was thoroughly investigated. I am working on another letter to Mr. Payne asking for the same answers that he avoided giving me. I'll post when and if I get a Reply.
Keep those letters and calls coming your stories are important. Better yet post a comment on this blog for all to see. Don't be afraid to stand up for those you love!~

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