For the record, I sent a letter to Secretary Aldona Wos of the NCDHHS on April 24, 2014. The letter was pretty simple, it was about the lack of effectiveness of the local DHSR. I offer to share information that would prove that the nursing home inspection process is flawed. I also sent the same letter to Pat McCrory, and others that should be concerned. Still have not received any response. Not even the typical " we appreciate your concern but ... " letter.
What is up with the NCDHHS, are they above making mistakes,or simply not to be held accountable for the ones they do make. One would hope that if there was a private citizen with concerns, they would be taken seriously. Basically from what I've seen , if you disagree with the NCDHHS, that's your problem. Even the State director ( DR. Wos ) doesn't care enough to consider that there may be a problem.
Is there no one watching over this agency at the local level? I thought that by going to the State Secretary of the NCDHHS something would happen. I was definitely wrong about that. What about Governor Pat McCrory, as a citizen of North Carolina am I not entitled to a response? How much do you have to contribute to ones campaign to get an answer to a letter?
Politicians are supposed to be working for the good of the people. If that is the case, how can they ignore their concerns ? I have documentation that shows how little effort is put into the nursing home inspection process. Either someone made a mistake, or simply lied to protect the nursing home operators.
Todd Davis, Kim Britt and Paul Yockey, are the ones who conducted the investigation. I say you should all be ashamed of yourselves. How can you walk by the terrible things happening at Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation and ignore them. What if your mother or father were residents there. Would you be able to sleep at night, knowing what you know?
I don't see how anyone with a conscience could possibly ignore what happens in these places. I could not imagine how much you would have to be paid to let this happen. There must be a considerable amount of "benefits" to look the other way. What makes it even worse, is that my tax dollars are being used to pay you.
Talk to the nurses at Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation and they will tell you they are understaffed. Talk to the residents, they will tell you they had to wait three or four days for a shower. Talk to the cna's and they will tell you there is no way they can do everything they are supposed to in one shift. Talk to the administrators, they will tell you how " It's their passion that makes the Difference ". Talk to the NCDHSR, they will tell you there were " no deficiencies found ". Again I say shame on you, Todd Davis, Kim Britt and Paul Yockey.
I say to the NCDHSR, Governor McCrory and Aldona Wos, do your jobs. Protect and serve the citizens of North Carolina, not the wealthy businessmen who own the nursing homes. Go into Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation and stay for a week. Sleep in one of the urine soaked beds. Wait for them to give you a shower. Eat the same cold food as the rest of the residents. After a week come out and say you couldn't find any deficiencies!
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