Friday, January 17, 2014

Kim Britt, Todd Davis and Paul Yockey, what is your integrity worth ???

I have spent the last week going over the documents from the NCDHHS investigation of Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation, and Dr. Larry Joe Russell. I have come to the conclusion that there was no sincere effort to determine if any regulations were actually broken. The NCDHHS investigators obviously wrote down exactly what they were told to. There are even different accounts of certain events, that are written by the same person. There are three different dates listed for the late entry nurses notes concerning the night Mom fell, in the same paragraph.
The complaint investigation was supposedly conducted on January 18 and 19, 2011. The people doing the investigation were, Kim Britt, Todd Davis, and Paul Yockey.
I spent considerable time in Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation, during Mom's stay there. One thing is for certain, I could do a walkthrough, and find as many violations as I could write down. Amazingly, the team sent by the NCDHHS could not even find one. Even after meeting with Gail Maloney, the Western regional Director of NCDHHS, and presenting her with the proof, still nothing wrong.
It has been over two years since Mom died at Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation, while under the care of Dr. Larry Joe Russell. I am getting tired of getting ignored, lied to, and just plain ignored. I actually have an email from an agent, with the OIG, (office of Inspector General ) that says they have the information we sent, but they don't have time to investigate. They assured me that the information is kept on file, and if more people complain, they may actually investigate.
The law says that they are supposed to investigate any allegations of fraud, no matter what the dollar amount. I guess that only applies, if there is more than one complaint. The same information was given to the FBI, the agent we spoke to said there was more than enough to start an investigation. We met with the same agent, on two separate occasions. That agent has since transferred to another branch of the DOJ ( Department of Justice ).
Since I started asking questions, several people I have spoken with, are no longer where they were when this began. The first was Jennifer Thomas, the medical records clerk that was at Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation, when Mom died. Then there was Gail Maloney, the Western Regional Director of the NCDHHS. Lara Mooney LPN, the nurse on duty the night Mom fell. Susan Habel, the director of nursing at Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation during Mom's stay. Maude " Cookie" Romeo, the administrator at Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation during Mom's Stay. The original FBI agent we met with was the last person that I know of that has changed jobs, since I began this quest. These are just the ones that I know of, are there more?  Is this all just a coincidence, or is there somebody with considerable influence making people go away??
I am getting tired of the fight, I may slow down, but I will not stop looking.

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